vineri, 21 august 2009

Human Love and Androgynous Myth

It is a symbolic description which refers to a universal law: the parting of masculine and feminine principles in the process of creation; souls pair theory is wrong because of incorrect interpretation of Platon on human spherical. This myth refers to the power born of mutual attraction between the masculine and feminine, who, in the relationship between man and woman is manifested in the form of love.
In reality, every human soul is, in potential, full and perfect. Completeness is up gradually, through meetings with other souls, therefore at other person we always attract those characteristics which we expect to be awakened in us...; and because these characteristics are not always found all in one person, a soul may have several pairs to be completely. Therefore, we can fall in love several times during one life and we can fall at the same time more people.
Love is eternal because is the divine expression of self in our nature. The relationships between people are finished, can take hours, days, years or even over a period of several lives,but always ephemeral.
But the true love revive again, and drawn the soul to new experiences placed on the pathway of human evolution and appear in the forms of increasingly great, more refined, until in the state of fullness and completeness androgynous, completely fine and divine, love becomes perfect."

By A. Klimmeron