duminică, 12 februarie 2012

 Gypsy Poem

"You must have gypsy blood-
The way you sing that song
And toss back your hair-
The way your body swirls
To the pounding throb
Of the gypsy drums
And the violin...

You catch the fiddler's eye
In the candle's gleam
As you take three steps back
Into shadowland-
As the voices call you back
To your gypsy home,
Your eyes burn the dark
With a wild flame,
And you grit your teeth
On a thorny rose
As the coal-black night
Throws a cloak of stars
Around your shaking limbs...

You take another step
Into my line of sight
And laughing, snarling, defiant
You step out into the light-
You must have gypsy blood,
The way you sing that song
To the open road and the open sky,
The way that candle flame
Catches a secret corner
Of your roving eye-
And I wait, watching
My transported image
Burning within-
I wait, mesmerised

For our dance to begin... "

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