duminică, 12 februarie 2012

 Gypsy Poem

"You must have gypsy blood-
The way you sing that song
And toss back your hair-
The way your body swirls
To the pounding throb
Of the gypsy drums
And the violin...

You catch the fiddler's eye
In the candle's gleam
As you take three steps back
Into shadowland-
As the voices call you back
To your gypsy home,
Your eyes burn the dark
With a wild flame,
And you grit your teeth
On a thorny rose
As the coal-black night
Throws a cloak of stars
Around your shaking limbs...

You take another step
Into my line of sight
And laughing, snarling, defiant
You step out into the light-
You must have gypsy blood,
The way you sing that song
To the open road and the open sky,
The way that candle flame
Catches a secret corner
Of your roving eye-
And I wait, watching
My transported image
Burning within-
I wait, mesmerised

For our dance to begin... "

joi, 9 februarie 2012

Together, we can make miracles

~ Someone sent this to me yesturday and I thought it was amazing ~

Dear Woman:

I come to you today as a man committed to becoming more conscious in every way. I feel deep love, great respect and a growing sense of worship for the gifts of the feminine. I also feel deep sorrow about the destructive actions of the unconscious masculine in the past and present. I want to apologize to you and make amends for those actions, in order to bring forth a new era of co-creation with you.

As I become more conscious, I grow more aware of the play of masculine and feminine energies: within me, within you and in all of life. I know that we all have access to the full spectrum of these energies. I also have a growing awakening to the dimension beyond all dualities, free and open as the sky.

I commit to owning and stewarding a masculinity that honors and celebrates us as equals. I know that in order to truly honor you as a multi-dimensional woman, I must stand fully present in myself, and own the gifts I have to share with you. We can create great miracles together by nurturing each other in a conscious way, by treating each other with reverence and respect, and by worshiping the divinity expressed in both masculine and feminine energy.

I acknowledge that the religions of the past several thousand years have been mainly founded by and propagated by men. We have often acted as if we have the last word on God and the spiritual life, when all we have really known is the masculine expression of those things. As a result, we have suppressed more heartfelt, connective and inclusive spiritualities. I commit now to also honoring the spirituality of the divine feminine.

I honor your deep connection to the earth. As men, our relationship to our planet and its resources has often been motivated by competition, acquisition and domination. We mistakenly believed that expansion would protect us from encroachment, and in the process we violated the sanctity of the Earth and disturbed its natural rhythms. I commit to listening to the intuitive sense you have of how to heal our planet and make it thrive.

I honor your intuition and your profound capacity for feeling. As men, we have often devalued feeling and intuition in favor of a view dominated by data and logic. This way of being seemed necessary to move humanity beyond superstition and animalism, but in the process we lost much of the heart of life. I commit to respecting the arts of feeling, intuition and wisdom of the feminine heart, so that together we can integrate them into a balanced view of life, that honors and includes all wisdoms.

I honor the beauty and integrity of your body. When we nurture each other through our bodies with awareness and devotion, there are no boundaries to the love that we can generate. I feel sorrow that men have used your beauty as a form of commerce in prostitution and pornography. In the grip of lust we have often lacked the skills to ask gracefully for intimacy or to take ‘No’ for an answer. I take a stand against any form of enforced or soulless commercialization of woman’s beauty, and I respect that your body belongs to you.

I honor your capacity for peaceful resolution of conflicts, your ability to apologize effectively and forgive with grace. We men have waged endless wars over our disagreements. In the act of defending our lands and protecting our families, we became addicted to the fight itself. By contrast, it is rare to find an invasion or war instigated by a woman. I apologize for dragging you into these wars, and for the rape, murder, broken hearts and damaged families that resulted from them. We welcome your wisdom in creating a world that can get along without resorting to destruction.

I honor your capacity to listen to your body and its needs for food, rest and playtime. I celebrate your ability to pay attention to what is here, right now. As men, our preoccupation with goals and results often has burnt us out and made us unavailable for relationship. I know we have drawn you into this imbalance as well, so often frustrating your longing to connect. The time for a process-centred way of being is now upon us. I welcome your wisdom to maintain balance in our bodies, and in our ways of meeting.

I honor your sense of compassionate justice. In our justice system, men have dominated as judges and police, build prisons and revered the principle of punishment. I welcome you to work with us in bringing the return of the heart to our system of justice.

I also know that global economics have been dominated by the unconscious masculine, often living in a sense of lack and greed. As a result, many people have been left impoverished and disempowered. With your natural sense of nurturing and abundance, I know we can work together to create a truly caring global economics.

In apologizing to you for the hurts we men have caused you, I acknowledge that I and many of my brothers have also felt hurt by our mothers, our sisters, our partners and ex-partners. As a conscious man I am willing to feel those hurts fully within myself and release them. I forgive you for any ways you may have acted unconsciously, as I forgive myself and my gender for our own waking sleep.

From this day, moving forward, I vow to treat your heart as the sacred temple it is, and I commit to honoring the feminine in you and me and in my relationship to all life. I know that by leaving the past behind and joining hands in the present, we can create a synergy of our strengths. Together, there is nothing we cannot do.

Together, we can make miracles.

( A manifesto for conscious men) by Arjuna Ardagh and Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.)

sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2012


UNICEF and EU-supported training for teachers boosts education quality in Angola

LUANDA, Angola, 17 January – Just off the main road, next to the ruins of a whitewashed chapel, a jacaranda tree is in bloom. Beneath the petals, children sit on brightly coloured plastic chairs, watching their teacher attentively. Lucrecia Agostinho draws apples and oranges to illustrate an arithmetic problem on a blackboard.

sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

Minha felicidade interior

Pessoas de hoje é a crenca de que as pessoas raramente sao felizes. A felicidade está associada a momentos externos, por isso cria um estado ilusorio da felicidade. Isso é uma ilusao coletiva. A verdadeira felicidade existe por si sa, independente do contexto externo. É um estado de ressonancia do Macrocosmo. A felicidade deve ser livre, nao condicionada, embora na vida cotidiana somos confrontados com problemas inerentes. Condicionado é uma representacao enganosa de existencia. Eu escolho ser feliz na parte da manha apreciando uma xicara de cafe e depois ir rapidamente para o trabalho. Eu nao acho que dia duro esperando por mim. Eu escolho ama-lo sem pedir que voce me ame tambem. O proprio fato de que eu amo me faz feliz. Eu amo o momento em que estou na praia e nao fazer nada. Eu bloquear todos os meus pensamentos e deixar voar com areia dourada meu cabelo. Eu olho para as ondas que sao translúcidas e imagino a sua sirene perdido. Amo dancar para aumentar minha energia ... Amo tudo e estou feliz !
"APROVEITE A VIDA! Você não tem a obrigação de fazer nada. Faça o que você quer fazer."
"Formula atração. A nossa oferta é composta de nossa vibração pensamentos acompanhado por sentimentos. O universo responde a esta oferta por correspondência resposta vibracional. A qualquer momento, chamamos para nós a essência do que pensamos e sentimos. Como você pensa, sente que Como eu sinto, então Vibram Como Vibram, que atraem"

sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2011

Kianda - Goddess of the Sea

Kianda is a Goddess of Water, she is traditionally venerated with offerings in Angola (Africa).

Pepetela, one of the leading exponents of Angolan literature, has written a book called “O Desejo de Kianda” means "Kianda's Desire".

“Kianda, Kituta ou Kiximbi são “espíritos das águas” e uma das entidades reguladoras do mar, dos lagos, dos rios, dos peixes, das marés e da pesca. Estão ligadas ainda à fecundidade feminina e às crianças, sendo a elas atribuído o nascimento de gêmeos. Apresentam-se envoltas por um clarão e redemoinhos de águas ou de ar.”

“…Before Portuguese missionaries spread Christianity throughout the country, Angolans used to dance semba as a way of worshipping their gods, especially this mermaid Kianda, goddess of the sea. Every year, Angolans would hold celebrations near the sea, throwing food, clothes and other gifts into the water as offerings to Kianda.”

Fernando Ribeiro, author of "A Matéria do Tempo" (The Matter of Time) blog, tells us a little bit about the fascination for this Mermaid:

“During the time I met up with people from the most popular social classes in Angola. I heard many traditional legends and tales from that country. Apart from another tale with animals, in most of the stories I heard there was the mythical figure of a mermaid. Common people in Angola firmly believe in the existence of mermaids, who they say are endowed with supernatural powers. In Quimbundo (one of the national languages) the mermaids are called Ianda, which is Kianda in the singular. Each aquatic environment has a mermaid, that is to say, each river, lake, or pond has its own kianda who takes the name of the river, lake, or pond. In some ways, she is the embodiment of the aquatic environment”

In the same blog as above, the author shares one of the many stories he heard about Kianda:
“The stories of mermaids that I heard most often reported the appearance of a mermaid to a poor man, to whom she revealed the existence of a treasure. The man, who had suddenly became rich, started to behave in such a selfish way, spending all the wealth for his personal benefit and not for the benefit of his community. As punishment, the mermaid then made the treasure disappear, leaving the man in absolute misery. Sometimes the punishment was harsher and the man was forever enchanted at the bottom of the river or pond. There are mermaid stories in which the whole village behaves in a selfish and greedy way, in which case the punishment is applied to the whole community, which is then enchanted at the bottom of the lake or the river. There are Angolans who do swear, by the “blood of Christ, that they have
heard the sound of women grinding, dogs barking or roosters singing from a village condemned to live at the bottom of the pond or river forever.”

The Kianda Song

"We call to you, oh Great Goddess of the Sea.
Oh, Mother of all life.
Let us call to one and all.
All her names, all her aspects.
Here our cry!

Help us to remember you.
Turn our ears to hear your voice.
Move our bodies to walk softly upon your planet.
Teach our hearts to know that which brings life and healing to all.
Hear our cry!"

Article inspired by blogger Clara Onofre and Carolanne Kennedy

duminică, 8 august 2010


I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me."

by Maya Angelou

vineri, 21 august 2009

Human Love and Androgynous Myth

It is a symbolic description which refers to a universal law: the parting of masculine and feminine principles in the process of creation; souls pair theory is wrong because of incorrect interpretation of Platon on human spherical. This myth refers to the power born of mutual attraction between the masculine and feminine, who, in the relationship between man and woman is manifested in the form of love.
In reality, every human soul is, in potential, full and perfect. Completeness is up gradually, through meetings with other souls, therefore at other person we always attract those characteristics which we expect to be awakened in us...; and because these characteristics are not always found all in one person, a soul may have several pairs to be completely. Therefore, we can fall in love several times during one life and we can fall at the same time more people.
Love is eternal because is the divine expression of self in our nature. The relationships between people are finished, can take hours, days, years or even over a period of several lives,but always ephemeral.
But the true love revive again, and drawn the soul to new experiences placed on the pathway of human evolution and appear in the forms of increasingly great, more refined, until in the state of fullness and completeness androgynous, completely fine and divine, love becomes perfect."

By A. Klimmeron